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Case Studies

Engage your employees with highly relevant and interactive emails.

From "blah" to "must read" - A stunning transformation.

Employee Communication
Internal email newsletters

Hot Tips internal e-newsletter was anything but hot. Constructed in a cumbersome, difficult-to-edit format, the newsletter was sent to employees as a huge email attachment. Items in the email itself were not designed for easy preview and the attachment size made recipients reluctant to open or forward it. We needed a better way to communicate this valuable information to the employees.

  • Simplify information editing, constructing and delivering process.
  • Let recipients preview email body content.
  • Encourage forwarding for internal viral communications benefit .
  • Eliminate large attachment bandwidth requirements and consequent reluctance to open or forward.

Using a Newsletter Builder - a customized enterprise solution from EmailOpen - We created a faster and easier internal communications vehicle which was more inviting to read and better suited to distribute across a network.

  • Web-based interactive menu lets communications personnel easily select formatting options and assemble content without learning a proprietary program.
  • Create email templates incorporating company branding elements to connect email messaging to other corporate branded collateral.
  • Provide reader-friendly and professionally designed email messages.
  • Make the newsletter design and production virtually transparent so employees can focus on creating inspirational messages to strengthen brand communication and adherence to company values.

The internal communications program successfully instilled and reinforced the company's key brand messages and visual images.

  • Better employee communication: Increase in employee understanding of and feeling of connection with the company, its upper management, its objectives and strategies.
  • Stronger corporate identity: Important communication pieces are quickly identified and better acknowledged.
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